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Direct Messages from Gaia and Energy Updates

These ill wills have been passing down this energy from generation to generation which is how we’ve become so lost. From this induced anxiety, it then provokes us to hurt and damage each other with no regards or concern for the other being. Gaia told me this….We’ve been brainwashed into being in survival mode to induce a state of anxiety that then forces us to end up damaging and killing each other, and ultimately ourselves, all on our own by a few corrupt. However, the starseed generation is ending this viscous cycle and the institutions with corrupt spirits embedded in them will not survive because the starseeds are awakening and gaining power in mass quantities as we speak. They are...

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“Heart Coherence Guided Meditation” - Dr. Joe Dispenza

I feel my body's energies literally opening and interacting with one another on a subconscious level. My baby crawls up on me and I can see him very clearly with my third eye and we are communicating this way. He is kissing on me and watching my energies interacting outside of my body, in amazement. He jumps on top of me and we take off. It all makes sense to me now... he is my leader through my soul evolution.

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Becoming Supernatural - Dr. Joe Dispenza meditation

I see a dragon emerge from the center of my core up through my body and the dragon takes me to a place in the mountains in Asia... where I see myself as a female warrior samurai. I’m tying my thick black hair up and I feel like a warrior but I’m scared deep down. I’m fighting in a war and I gasp for air....

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"Heal your Body" - A 40 Day meditation challenge with Dr. Joe Dispenza

So as I’m experiencing this bright light of consciousness, which the meditation has lead me up to this point, we are asked to open our eyes back up and slowly come out of the meditation which I then instantly zap through a pyramid as a ball of light, back into the physical realm and take my blind fold off. I feel like I just woke up from a deep sleep or even like how you feel after you sit up from a good massage....

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How to Successfully Access Your Akashic Records and Past Lives to Heal Your Current Life

If we find out who and what our past lives and energies were, we can then really spiritually heal ourselves and then ultimately break these karmic cycles, which is what we should all be doing right now. There is an undeniable energetic upgrade happening on Earth right now and it’s removing us from the 3D, evil and unveiling all truths…You can not hide anything in the 5D.

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