This is an example of just how easy it is to program our conscious and subconscious and therefore our thoughts. When we start to reprogram our mind, then we can start to change our experience and always be in line with our higher self by simply subconsciously starting to make good decisions and thoughts, and then eventually becoming more consciously aware and then consciously changing and elevating our life experience and soul journey through good decisions and elevated thoughts. This also shows how powerful our minds are and how easily we can use our thoughts to instantly manifest. The moment a thought fully enters our consciousness, it is recorded in the cosmos and whatever energy is related to that thought...
The meditations with these codes are incredibly powerful. They activate your light DNA and have the power to bring you to the Christ consciousness. In my previous writings, I spoke about how hard it has been to find information on these codes, as it’s a very esoteric practice that the rabbis have kept basically a secret all this time until just recently, for historic reasons they say.
These Akashic records reading always leave you with more questions in your journey, however with each experience you become closer to your soul’s true history and gain the wisdom and have the realization of releasing it from within. The first time I accessed my records, I called upon Sekhmet to be with me and guide me, as I knew she was one of my guides up until now. She showed me a lot and it was an amazing experience, however this time I did not want to call upon any guide, particularly an Egyptian Guide, and just see who came to me. Although I did inscribe my code from the 72 names of God next to me, just as a sign...
These ill wills have been passing down this energy from generation to generation which is how we’ve become so lost. From this induced anxiety, it then provokes us to hurt and damage each other with no regards or concern for the other being. Gaia told me this….We’ve been brainwashed into being in survival mode to induce a state of anxiety that then forces us to end up damaging and killing each other, and ultimately ourselves, all on our own by a few corrupt. However, the starseed generation is ending this viscous cycle and the institutions with corrupt spirits embedded in them will not survive because the starseeds are awakening and gaining power in mass quantities as we speak. They are...