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Hello again and updates!

It has been a while since we wrote in here but we have been a little busy building things more behind the scenes to better share,i birthing an actual queen and doing our pop ups in NYC at the 14 St Union square green market. If you have been to NYC then you have probably heard of 14 st Union square and it’s amazing farmers market that happens every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. We have been popping up there for a while now and are there on Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s been a great experience being able to be a part of this market where we get to meet different people from all over the world, and then see them...

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How to Reprogram the Conscious and Subconscious for Higher Realignment in the Cosmos and in Your Life + Updates & New Ascension Tools in our New Release!! Surrendering & Letting go of Stuck Energy with Scorpio Moon & Pluto in Retrograde next 6 Months

This is an example of just how easy it is to program our conscious and subconscious and therefore our thoughts. When we start to reprogram our mind, then we can start to change our experience and always be in line with our higher self by simply subconsciously starting to make good decisions and thoughts, and then eventually becoming more consciously aware and then consciously changing and elevating our life experience and soul journey through good decisions and elevated thoughts. This also shows how powerful our minds are and how easily we can use our thoughts to instantly manifest. The moment a thought fully enters our consciousness, it is recorded in the cosmos and whatever energy is related to that thought...

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Reiki Symbols & Updates

 For right now, I want to make a post here to share some of the reiki symbols we have been studying and learning to use within ourselves through meditation as well as how to insert them into our auric field. These are ancient healing symbols that interact with your body’s energy per your intent and awareness. You can you use your hand or crystals to carve these into your auric field after becoming aware of the centers that are blocked and need some clearing. Once you open up the auric field you can inject these energies into your body through intent and heal yourself. I’ve made a video linked here that shows you how to do this process with a...

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Direct Messages from the Mashiach

The meditations with these codes are incredibly powerful. They activate your light DNA and have the power to bring you to the Christ consciousness. In my previous writings, I spoke about how hard it has been to find information on these codes, as it’s a very esoteric practice that the rabbis have kept basically a secret all this time until just recently, for historic reasons they say.

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Direct Messages from Gaia and Energy Updates

These ill wills have been passing down this energy from generation to generation which is how we’ve become so lost. From this induced anxiety, it then provokes us to hurt and damage each other with no regards or concern for the other being. Gaia told me this….We’ve been brainwashed into being in survival mode to induce a state of anxiety that then forces us to end up damaging and killing each other, and ultimately ourselves, all on our own by a few corrupt. However, the starseed generation is ending this viscous cycle and the institutions with corrupt spirits embedded in them will not survive because the starseeds are awakening and gaining power in mass quantities as we speak. They are...

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