One of it's main purposes was to find the "god" particle or Higgs Boson particle, which it did. This discovery is so massively important because it proves that the existence of the Higgs field, an invisible energy field present throughout the universe that imbues other particles with mass. Since its discovery two years ago, the particle has been making waves in the physics community, live science 2014 linked here.
Having good, openly spiritual and energetically aware friends that resonate with your soul I think is a key in life, keep those close to you that teach you about yourself, energies and mysticism.
As she was touching my feet, she said she saw something so awesome, they were dancing and making waves with the earth and had everything I needed and took me everywhere I needed to go. Now this is very profound because when she was touching my feet, I did in fact see waves. While in my meditative state I saw my spirit making waves too.
Some recon crystal work is simply a placebo affect while some argue there is in fact a scientific reaction with your body's frequencies based on how the crystal filters the light frequencies and their connection to the planetary system.