Reiki and Crystal Healing Session Review and Description

      I am seeing beauty everywhere again and I’m feeling so connected to the earth. My body feels recharged after laying on a 12 LB. infrared charged amethyst mat as I felt a healer’s energy and touch. My body feels relaxed like after a yoga session, but it is also more relaxed in a deeper sense, like my soul from within is relaxed. Like any person going into their first Reiki healing session there is some form of skepticism but if you are somewhat aware of the power of energy and the transfer of it, you would have to be a believer. From the moment she started, I felt an instant shift of my energy. My eyes were closed as I laid on the amethyst mat, but I knew she was somewhere around my head. I felt this immense powerful wave of goodness through my body that came out of my feet the instant she went into focus. Then she placed her hands around my body, and I felt it even stronger and then when she finally placed her hands on my shoulders, I was in tears from the power. As she shifted down my body, there were moments of intensity and less intensity. When she was at my feet, we had this subconscious connection that was something so real, it could only be explained as another dimension interaction. As she was touching my feet, she said she saw something so awesome, they were dancing and making waves with the earth and had everything I needed and took me everywhere I needed to go. Now this is very profound because when she was touching my feet, I did in fact see waves too. While in my meditative state I saw my spirit making waves too. 
       I also loved that at the beginning of the session she encouraged me to lose my ego and remove I from the universe and recognize that the universe will give us everything we need. This is such a simple and calming concept they we often forget when we are wrapped up in our own little worlds. 
       After healing my body with her hands some, she did a sound bowl and while those sounds were passing through my body in a meditative state, it starting shaking and I was uncontrollably crying, it literally felt like the demons were coming out of me,  and it was so intense that while the last hum was ringing, there was a deep sense of soothing I’ve never felt before. I am now finishing off my day of self-care with a much-needed deep tissue massage to help release all those muscle aches and literal pains I had from being in the city. I am going to feel brand new after here.

        Three days later and I am still feeling great and actually more grounded, which is something she said we were going to focus on during my session. I feel that grounding energy and I feel lighter and more focused, refreshed and recharged. I did not want to film my actual healing session as it was our first time meeting and I wanted to take her lead in the first experience. She was not able to use crystals directly on me because of current health precautions however she did encourage their use in future sessions and recommend I bring them to the next session, and even gifted me a great little piece of black obsidian 😊

      Also some of the photos are taken from a local metaphysical store where I got some precious beauties for the Holi.Spirits collection. Check out the shop to see some of the magical pieces created from these babies!