Rose Quartz, tea tree oil infused Himalayan Salt + Egyptian Rose & Frankincense Protection and Love Packet
Carry this little bag or place in a space where you want to create a grid of protection of love. Rose quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. The emotional healing of rose quartz comes from allowing you and others to let go of toxic energies and emotions that have become trapped inside of you.
For centuries, Himalayan salt has been used for protection and healing : protection from evil, especially protection in and around the home and physical and energetic healing. Salt is used for purification, cleansing and dispelling negativity in many traditional and magical rituals. It is recommended that those who work in environments of negativity or indirect communication, keep some Himalayan salt on or nearby their desk. The Himalayan crystal mineral salt has gentle but strong grounding and centering energies and is said to bring abundance and prosperity into a home or space. It is a natural purifier on all levels, physically and spiritual and has a high vibrational frequency.
The rose has always been used and considered in the ancient and magical world as a flower capable of attracting good luck, love and health. It is used to enhance intuition and yin energy and it's fragrance will attract love, health and good luck.
Frankincense is used for purification, luck, protection and spirituality. It is related to good fortune and when burned, the aroma can promote emotional healing, peace and calmness to relieve stress and anxiety. Used to to end arguments and bring resolutions to any situations and relieve tense situations. Frankincense has healing properties that can help people emotionally, spiritually and vibrationally.
How to Use: